26th of March · Partipating in a roundtable discussion in association with the release of a special issue on Photography and Algorithms, published by the journal Transbordeur. In the special issue, I contribute with a paper on On the Measurement of Realism in Synthetic Images: From Cornell Box Experiments to ImageNet and Inception Photorealism. The event will be held at Eikones at the University of Basel. Mar 26.
28th of March · Co-organizing a Workshop on Generative AI and the Future of the Digital Commons, hosted by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission/ECAT. Online.
2024 · European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency (ECAT) at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Seville, Spain. Held a talk with the title Testing, Probing, and Researching Online Platforms: Examples from the Humanities/Media Studies. Feb 21.
2024 · Collegium Helveticum, Zürich. Was invited to hold a talk at a workshop on Structural Media: Artistic Approaches to Failure and Liveness in Art and Technology, organized by Tim Shaw. Jan 30.
2023 · Campus Condorcet/Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Was invited as keynote speaker at the conference Culture in digital context. Practices, categories and methods, organized by the French Ministry of Culture and its research department (Département des études, de la prospective, des statistiques et de la documentation), along with Sorbonne Paris Nord University (Experience Team) and the Centre Georges Pompidou. December 6-8.
2023 · Martin-Luther Universität Halle, Germany. Held a talk on Generative AI, image upscaling technologies, and media studies in an age of abundance at the Department of Media Studies. May 30.
2021 · Södertörn University, Stockholm. Was invited by Karin Larsson to hold a talk at the higher seminar for Media and Communication Studies. My presentation had the title Machine vision and video archives: On the dilemmas of accessing corporate software in humanistic research. March 30.
2020 · Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin. Was invited to do a video interview for the festival/conference The Disappearance of Music. The interview was part of a panel with the title Soundtracking Every Moment: Music as Data. November 13-15.
2020 · Copenhagen Music Conservatory. Was invited by Christian Taagehøy to hold a video lecture for students at the Music Management program. My lecture had the title Reverse engineering music platforms: On the need for experimental research in the study of online culture. June 24.
2019 · University of Basel, Switzerland. Was invited by Markus Krajewski to hold a talk at the seminar series Die Macht der Algorithmen. My presentation was entitled Sag mir, welche Musik Du magst, und ich sag Dir, wer Du bist… Spotify, disfigured. November 12.
2019 · King’s College, London. Was invited by Thomas Hodgson to present ongoing research at a symposium on Algorithmic Music, hosted by the Department of Music and Department of Digital Humanities. My talk had the title On the politics of methodological interventions: Spotify and the freedom of academic research. April 11.
2019 · Södertörn University, Stockholm. Was invited by Mikolaj Dymek to hold a talk about my dissertation at the Department of Media Technology. My presentation had the title How to follow files in digital music distribution. February 20.
2019 · Mines ParisTech, Paris. Was invited by Loïc Riom to hold a Q&A about the book Spotify Teardown at the Centre de Sociologie de I’Innovation (CSI). February 12.
2019 · University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Was invited by Richard Rogers to hold a pre-launch of the book Spotify Teardown at the Department of New Media & Digital Culture. January 9.
2018 · University of Trondheim, Norway. Was invited by Hendrik Storstein Spilker to hold a talk on digital methods at the Institute for Sociology and Political Science. My presentation had the title Digital interventions and experimental methods in music research. December 13.
2018 · University of Stockholm, Sweden. Was invited by John Sundholm to hold a talk at the Department of Media Studies (IMS). My presentation was entitled User agreements, legal gray zones, and risk-taking in digitally-oriented media research. October 17.
2018 · Royal Library of Sweden, Stockholm. Was invited to speak on the topic of digital methods at the conference Data-Driven Humanistic Research II. When: April 12-13.
2017 · University of Wisconsin–Madison, U.S. Was invited by Jeremy Morris to hold a Skype lecture to a group of bachelor’s students on digital methods at the Department of Communication and Arts. My talk had the title On Spotify and the normative worldviews of streaming services for music. December 4.
2017 · Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. Was invited by Johan Lundin to hold a talk on digital methods at the Department of Applied Technology and IT. My presentation had the title Interventionist methods. November 29.
2017 · Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Was invited to speak on the topic of digital methods at the conference Data-Driven Humanistic Research I. When: September 15.
2015 · University of California, Santa Barbara. Was invited by Lisa Parks and Jennifer Holt to hold a project presentation at the Department of Film and Media Studies, together with the research group Streaming Cultural Heritage. November 20.
2024 · DHNB2024: From Experimentation to Experience. Reykjavik, Iceland. May 27-31.
2023 · AI2S2 2023. Took part in a panel discussion on Societal challenges posed by modern AI. Geneva. September 15.
2023 · Science, Expertise and other Modes of Knowledge: Trends, Patterns, and Prospects. Organized by the Swiss Association for the Studies of Science, Technology & Society (STS-CH). Panel chair. Basel, August 31 – September 1.
2022 · 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress in Athens. Was invited to participate in a roundtable discussion on Mediated music and sound in the juridical arena. August 22-26.
2021 · Digital History in Sweden. Where: Online. Organizer: Humlab, Umeå University. Activity: Chair/moderator for a panel on historical approaches to social media. When: December 9-10.
2021 · Digital Transformations: The Humanities in Challenging Times. Where: Online/Humlab Umeå University. Activity: Chair/moderator for a panel on Digital transformations and environmental challenges. The panel included talks by Kyle Devine, Toby Miller, Annika Egan Sjölander, and Phil Buckland. When: November 16-17.
2021 · Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility, and Justice. Where: Online. Organizer: STS Italia. Activity: Organized a panel on the Effect of dataveillance on artistic and cultural production together with Fabio Morreale. The panel included contributions from Nathalie Casemajor, Bob Sturm, Thomas Hodgson, Guillaume Sirois, and Robert Prey. When: June 17-19.
2021 · Digital Technology and Heritage: Challenges and Issues. Where: Online. Organizer: ANR, JPI CH, and the French Ministry of Culture. Activity: Presented the research project European History Reloaded: Curation and Appropriation of Audiovisual Heritage together with Eggo Müller. When: March 11-12.
2021 · Multiple Matters: From Neglected Things to Arts of Noticing Fragility. Where: Online. Organizer: Swiss Association for the Study of Science, Technology, and Society (STS-CH). Activity: Was invited to act as chair/discussant on a panel on Music and Fragility and presented a paper entitled Unpredictability and vulnerability in algorithmic music governance. When: February 15-17.
2019 · Re-Imagining AI. Where: Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Basel Switzerland. Organizer: Critical Media Lab at FHNW. Activity: Participant. When: June 20-21.
2018 · Media Industries: Current Debates and Future Directions. Where: King’s College, London, UK Organizer: Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College. Activity: presented a paper with the title Tracking Streams at a panel/workshop on Digital Methods in Media Industries Research. When: April 18-20.
2018 · Transmediale: Face Value. Where: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany. Organizer: Transmediale & Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH. Activity: presented a paper called Tracking digital streams. When: February 31-Mach 4.
2017 · Music and Algorithms in a Digital Landscape. Where: The Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Stockholm. Organizer: The Music Focused Interdisciplinary Research & Analysis Center (MIRAC). Activity: presented a paper on The politics of sonic identification techniques. When: November 22-23.
2017 · Digital Democracy: Critical Perspectives in the Age of Big Data. Where: Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. Organizer: ECREA Communication and Democracy, ECREA Media Industries and Cultural Production + Södertörn University. Activity: presented a paper with the title In Search of Musical Identities: The History and Politics of Audio Fingerprints. When: November 10-11.
2017 · Transmediale: Ever Elusive. Where: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany. Organizer: Transmediale/Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH. Activity: participated in a scholarly arts performance with the title Launching SongBlocker: Spotify and the Future of Advertising, together with Patrick Vonderau and Rasmus Fleischer, as part of our research on Spotify. When: February 2-5.
2016 · Society for Cinema and Media Studies Yearly Conference. Where: Atlanta, Georgia, US. Organizer: Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Activity: co-organized a panel with the title The Spotification of Media: Subscribing to Culture in the Digital Age together with Patrick Vonderau, where I also presented a paper entitled Notes from a Scientific Record Label. When: March 30 – April 3.
2016 · Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries Yearly Conference. Where: Oslo University, Norway. Organizer: Network for Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN). Activity: introduced the research project Streaming Cultural Heritage. When: March 15-17.
2015 · From Media to Materialities: Mapping the Afterlife of Digital Technologies. Where: Umeå University, Sweden. Organizer: HUMlab, Umeå University. Activity: participant. When: May 20-21.
2015 · Data Power. Where: Sheffield, UK. Organizer: Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK. Activity: presented a paper entitled When artistry is turned into data. When: June 22-23.
2015 · In the Flow: People, Media, Materialities. Where: Linköping University, Sweden. Organizer: Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS), Linköping University, Sweden. Activity: presented a paper on Doing research with/on APIs. When: June 15-17.
2014 · Genres of Scholarly Knowledge Production. Where: Umeå University, Sweden. Organizer: HUMlab, Umeå University. Activity: presented a paper with the title Tracing and enacting music: notes on experimental inquiries into the effects and architectures of online streaming platforms. When: December 10-12.
2014 · A Transformed Musical Landscape. Where: Stockholm University, Sweden. Organizer: The Music Focused Interdisciplinary Research & Analysis Center (MIRAC), Stockholm University. Activity: presented the research project Streaming Cultural Heritage together with Anna Johansson and Rasmus Fleischer. When: November 26-27.
2023 · Silicon Valley Knowledge. Lund University, Sweden. Dec 4-5.
2023 · A Media History in n+1 Sources. Third Workshop of Media History/CH. University of Basel, Nov 23-24. Respondent to a paper from the research project Sharing Knowledge in the Arts.
2023 · Financing and Governance of Culture in the Digital Age. World Knowledge Dialogue 2023. Interdisciplinary scientific congress on The Future of Culture, organized by Université de Genéve. Montreux, June 25-27.
2023 · HSSuisse yearly meeting. Basel, May 5. Chaired a panel on Media and Techniques of the Psyche.
2022 · Lund University, Sweden. Was invited as a speaker at a workshop on multimodal and audiovisual digital history. October 26.
2021 · European History Reloaded. Where: Online/Utrecht. Activity: symposium organizer together with Abby Waysdorf and Viteslav Sommer. Also presented a paper on The Video Reuse Detector. When: October 7-8.
2021 · Talk with Lev Manovich on his book Cultural Analytics (MIT Press, 2020). Where: Online. Activity: discussant. Organizer: Humlab, Umeå University. When: May 6.
2019 · AI, Recommendations, and the Curation of Culture. Where: Paris, France. Organizers: Jeremy Morris (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Georgina Born (Oxford University), Fernando Diaz (Microsoft Research/Spotify), Ashton Anderson (University of Toronto). When: October 4-5. You can find a copy of the white paper that was published as a result of the workshop here.
2019 · Re-Imagining AI. Where: Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Basel Switzerland. Organizer: Critical Media Lab at FHNW. When: June 19-20.
2017 · Video Tracing and Tracking in Digital Humanities Research. Where: Utrecht, Netherlands. Organizer: Netherlands Institute of Sound & Vision. When: October 12.
2017 · Digital Methods for Studying Algorithms: Complicating the Socio-Technical Relation. Where: Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. Teaching professor: Annette Markham (Aarhus). Organizer: YECREA & Södertörn University. When: November 9.
2015 · A Medium is a Medium is a Medium. Where: Linköping University, Sweden. Organizer: Sensorium Network, Aesthetic Media AnArchaeology. When: September 18-19.
2015 · Cybernetic Regimes and Subjection: Historical Trajectories and Contemporary Dynamics. Where: University of Bielefeld, Germany. Organizer: Department of Literature Studies at the University of Bielefeld & Umeå University. When: December 5.
2023 · Interview for the audio essay series Machine Listener, produced by Aimée Theriot. First broadcast on June 6.
2021 · Science + Fiction Festival. Building Bodies: Körper, Daten, Identitäten. Basel, Schweiz. Was asked to hold an introductory talk + take part in a Q & A session in connection to the screening of the documentary Coded Bias. September 7.
2021 · Interview for German Radio station Bayern 2 on Spotify’s decision to patent a voice/speech recognition technology for detecting the mood of listeners and enhancing playlist recommendations. May 20.
2021 · Interview for the Swedish magazine Flamman on artist’s increased demands for better royalty payouts from Spotify. Journalist: Tor Gasslander. March 4.
2021 · Interview for the magazine Stereogum on streaming’s raw power – and its ongoing mystery. Journalist: Nate Rogers. November 17.
2020 · Live interview for Swedish Public Radio channel/program P3 Nyheter on the topic of faked streams [In Swedish]. Journalist: Johanna Heed. February 27.
2019 · Live interview for Swedish Public Radio channel/program Musikguiden i P3 on fraud and manipulation on Spotify [In Swedish]. Journalist: Jessica Lindbom Jämting. December 20.
2019 · Interview for the French cultural magazine Les Jours, as part of the article series La fête du stream, episode #25. Journalist: Sophian Fanen. March 23.
2019 · Interview for Rolling Stone, together with Pelle Snickars. Our talk was published in an article entitled ‘Spotify Teardown’ Is the Book Spotify Didn’t Want Published. Journalist: Amy X. Wang. February 12.
2019 · What happens when you create a fake music record label and upload bad music to Spotify, excerpt from Spotify Teardown published in Salon. February 17.